Clinical Judgment Exams provide pre-developed, high-quality assessments with a Clinical Judgment focus for practical/vocational nursing (PN/VN) programs nationwide. Created by our NurseThink® team of testing experts, Clinical Judgment Exams provide pre-developed, high-quality assessments with a Clinical Judgment focus for PN nursing programs nationwide.
Integrated across the curriculum, faculty and students use the Strengths and Opportunities reports to make focused, just-in-time decisions for remediation, learning, and readiness for practice. As a result, your nursing program can have the support to teach students the necessary learning outcomes to become safe and effective nurses, with timely performance feedback that allows them to reach graduation, pass NCLEX-PN®, and launch successful careers.
Our Clinical Judgment Exams are developed by teams of experts in nursing and education. These experts in assessment work with professional nurses and nursing faculty to ensure each question has a solid Clinical Judgment focus. Item types include multiple choice, extended multiple response, graphic, hot spot, cloze, rank order, drag and drop, matrix, and calculation. Unique Electronic Health Record scenarios, to include trending questions, are included throughout to increase realism and the Clinical Judgment focus.
Clinical Judgment Exams offer multiple assessments for each specialty and subject. Each assessment includes results in cohort- and student-level reports to assess Clinical Judgment at all levels. The Strengths and Opportunities Report provides detailed information on each individual student and a Summary Report is provided for aggregated cohort performance. Performance data also demonstrates learners’ percentile rank compared to a national sample of students taking the same exam.
All aspects of the Clinical Judgment Exams are categorized in accordance with professional standards to include NCLEX-PN®, QSEN, and the Clinical Judgment Measurement Model (CJMM), so every student performance report highlights specific individual and cohort strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, every question focuses on clinical judgment so that remediation strategies can improve student success in school, on NCLEX-PN®, and beyond. VALIDITY STATEMENT
Take advantage of pre-written assessments that accurately gauge student learning and competency. Category-based reporting at the program and student level measures students’ true mastery of concepts against a national cohort of nursing students. To help ensure nursing students are on track for practice readiness and NCLEX-PN® success, each content area includes three distinct assessment types: Benchmark I, Benchmark II, and Open Check.
Every instructor knows writing professional-level nursing exam questions is difficult and time-consuming. That’s why each Clinical Judgment Exam content area includes content that instructors may use to supplement their own exam questions to help improve assessment and instruction. These questions are securely uploaded and saved in the client’s ExamSoft database for use at the instructor’s discretion.
Recognizing cues and taking appropriate action.
Preparing for all aspects of adult health.
Assessing clinical judgment concerning pharmacotherapeutics.
Emphasizing mental health care in all settings.
Focusing on the needs of mothers, the fetus, and children.
Assessing leadership and care coordination abilities.
Predicting readiness for the NCLEX-PN® and professional practice.
Every program is different - Every adoption of Clinical Judgment Exams comes with a consultation from our Integration Nurse Educators. Learn how to implement the standardized exams in a way that works best for YOUR program. Build your own assessments with an additional bank of CJE quality questions that are written with the same rigor as the questions on the Clinical Judgment Exams.
With Clinical Judgment Exams, students have access to students have access to reporting that breaks down their performance by NCLEX Client needs, CJMM, and other key standards. Each student and cohort report is mapped to key professional areas, so remediation is meaningful, efficient, and effective. Every exam item is developed using the Clinical Judgment Measurement Model proposed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) at the application and analysis level.