As part of the NurseThink® COMPLETE RN package, this Student Success Book Bundle features three books designed with a concept-based approach to learning. These books are focused on Next Gen Learning and work in unison to provide students with tools to use in the classroom, while studying, in lab/sim, and when preparing for the NCLEX®.
Contact us for more informationĀ about adopting this resource as a required text at your school.
This one of a kind NCLEX-RN® review guide is based on studying from the perspective of a nurse. Because this book focuses on the NurseThinkĀ® Model of Next Gen Learning, it helps students conceptually synthesize and prioritize all that they have learned in a way that can not only be used on NCLEX®, but at the bedside as well.
From Fundamentals to NCLEX® this tool allows students to study as if they were standing next to a patient every step of the way. Whether faculty are creating a lecture for class, a simulation in lab, or a post-conference activity, they will want the students to have their Conceptual Clinical Cases workbook at the ready.
This note taking system builds habits of Clinical Judgment and prioritization in every class, lab, simulation, and clinical learning experience. Students can use this tool and build upon their notes throughout their entire program.