NurseThink® for Students:
Conceptual Clinical Cases
Clinical-Based for Next Gen Learning, From Fundamentals to NCLEX®

NurseThink® for Students: Conceptual Clinical Cases: Next Gen Clinical Judgment From Fundamentals to NCLEX® This is a one-of-a-kind case study book that features conceptual concept maps that support exemplar (disease-based) cases that unfold using the Next Gen Clinical Judgment model. These "real life," current-to-practice scenarios include electronic health records, medication reconciliation activities, discharge instructions, and much more! Cases are engaging for the student and allow them to feel like they are the nurse making bedside decisions. Each case unfolds using multiple-choice, alternative style, and Next Gen item formatting to prepare your student for the most current and future testing opportunities. Your students will learn to consistently apply high-level thinking processes of THIN Thinking and Prioritization Power that makes clinical judgment a habit of nursing practice.
Online resources included:
- Hundreds of Clinical Judgment questions
- NurseThink® Clinical Mentor to walk you through each unfolding case study
- Downloadable audio and video so that you can learn on the go
- Over 20 additional concept-based patient assignments
See the inside of your book for instructions on how to access online resources.
Contact us for more information about adopting this resource as a required text at your school.
ISBN: 978-0998734774
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