NurseThink® for Nurse Educators: Lab Coat Notes for Next Gen and High-Level Test Item Writing—Second Edition

The NurseThink® for Nurse Educators Next Gen and High-Level Test-Item Writing cards (Second Edition) are designed to quickly access the current best practices in Next Gen test/exam development. These cards describe test blueprint basics while detailing best practices for item writing, exam development, and item analysis. Stem starters are mapped to NCLEX® client needs, the nursing process, and the Clinical Judgment Measurement Model. Several templates of Next Gen sample items are also provided within these card packs to catapult you into the Next Generation of NCLEX® testing.
Each deck of glossy cards are double-sided and include a convenient clip ring to organize your deck in a way that works best for you.
ISBN: 978-1-7364762-0-8
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