1. Go to nursethink.com/nclex-rn-book and indicate what type of book you purchased. (See red box in screenshot below)

2. Click the blue link in the dropdown box to create a NurseThink® online account. (See red box below)

3. Since you do not already have a NurseThink® account, click the "Sign up here" link. (See red box below)

4. Fill out the required fields, then click "Save".

5. For security purposes, you will need to validate your email. You will receive an email with a verification link. Simply click the link in the email and you’ll see the message below and you are able to access the website.

6. After refreshing the log-in page, you will be able to enter the code from the inside front cover of your book. Once you have entered the code, click "Register"

7. You now have access to all of the online learning tools included with your NurseThink® NCLEX® Review Guide! Happy Studying!

8. If you are unable to log in or register your book, please email us at
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